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The president Kimihide Murata
I would like to introduce myself and our inheriting "lactic acid bacteria metabolites(LAB metabolites)" overview and a future view. I met with this LAB metabolites at the age of eight (1948).It is because my mother was the sales member of this product. I have drunk this LAB metabolites like every day since then. I joined the member of Ohtani Kozui agricultural chemistry research institute in 1959 ,and I was allowed to participate in research and manufacture from Mr. Masagaki the president for ten years, and recieved severe education from the this relation.
In 1969 We industrialized from the succeeded research of Mr. Kazuyoshi Masagaki who is a pioneer of "Lactic acid bacteria metabolites"research in Japan. At Koei Science Lab, we focused our research on these lactic acid bacteria(LAB) metabolites, which are produced in the gut by bifidobacteria and other probiotic lactobacillus species. It turns out that certain substances produced by these bacteria are more important to human health than the bacteria themselves. These substances, called LAB metabolites have the ability to boost the human immune system. Please see detailed stories as following pages.
Company Profile
Company Name | KOEI science laboratory Co., Ltd. |
Adress | 〒351-0115 5-1-25 Niikura Wako-shi Saitama Japan |
President | Kimihide Murata |
Business hours | 9:00~17:00 (Monday to Friday) |
Corporate Philosophy | With lactic acid bacteria metabolites, we contribute to the health enhancement of people in the world. |
btob@koei-science.com |